Sunday, 4 August 2013

Draft Constitution of the “UNAM Student Social Work Society” (USSWS) 2013

University of Namibia
UNAM Student Social Work Society
Draft Constitution of the “UNAM Student Social Work Society” (USSWS) 2013
Article 1: Name of the Organization:
The name of the society shall be the “UNAM Student Social Work Society” herein referred to as ‘the society’.
Article 2: Supremacy of this Constitution:
This constitution shall be the supreme document of the UNAM Student Social Work Society and if any resolution, decision or action is inconsistent with this Constitution, this Constitution shall prevail, and the resolution, decision or action shall to the extent of its inconsistency be null and void.
Article 3: Aims and Objectives of the Society:
The aims and objectives of the society shall be
·         To promote professional interest in the field of Social Work to the students of UNAM.
·         To provide opportunities for interaction between students, staff and the Social Work practitioners.
·         To ensure that social work students at UNAM engage in ongoing professional development and capacity building
·         To build the leadership abilities of social work students.
·         To represent the views of social work students on matters of social policy and practice at local, national and international level.
·         To develop a sense of pride amongst social work students about the value of their profession.
·         To be advocates and get involved in local, national and international Social Work issues and policies.
Article 4: Principles:
The Principles of the society are:
·         Code of Ethics for Social Workers in Namibia: We accept to abide by the code of ethics for social workers in Namibia which serve as guidelines for social work practice in Namibia.
·         Gender equality: We accept that women and men are equal in all aspects of social endeavor
·         Non-party political: The society is open to persons with different political affiliations, as long as they accept the principle of the code of ethics for social workers in Namibia. The society will however not affiliate to any particular political party and members cannot use society platforms to advance the interests of any particular political party.
·         Anti-racism:  We actively reject racism and any form of discrimination on the basis of skin color or other biological features and will actively work against any form of racism or racial discrimination in our society.
·         Anti-tribalism:  We actively reject tribalism and any form of discrimination on the basis of cultural or ethnic identity and will actively work against any form of tribalism or ethnic discrimination in our society.
·         Anti-homophobia: Actively reject all forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation in our society.
·         Secularism: The society shall be free from any religious influence.
Article 5: Ethics:
·         We will abide by the code of Ethics for Social Workers in Namibia at all times.
·         Our society affairs will be conducted in the spirit of solidarity, mutual respect as well as frank, honest, and open discussion of differences;
·         We will support, nurture, and care for the well-being of all members.
·         We will practice of non-violence and hope to achieve a non-violent society;
·         We are committed to openness, transparency, equality, and accountability in our society.
Article 6: Membership:
Membership of the UNAM Student Social Work Society shall be open to all registered undergraduate and post-graduate students from the department of Social Work as well as the staff of the Social Work Department. Further, membership is also open to anyone who is interested in helping the society to achieve its aim and willing to abide by the principles and ethics of the society.
6.1.Types of Membership:
(a). Full membership is composed of students who are undergoing courses of training in social work at the University of Namibia. Upon the payment of membership (which is N$25.00) full members shall be entitled to all privileges and rights of members and shall hold office, nominate or vote in elections. 
(b). Associate membership is open to anyone, interested in the promotion of UNAM Student Social Work Society. Upon the payment of membership fees associate members shall be entitled to all privileges and rights of members’ except that they cannot hold office, nominate or vote in elections. 
6.2.Rights and obligations of members:
(a)   Rights:
The rights of all members shall be:
i.    To participate in all the activities of the society.
ii.  To attend the General Meetings, Annual General Meeting and Extra-Ordinary General Meeting
iii. To elect and to be elected to the Executive Committee
iv. To have access to the financial records of the society during the Annual General Meeting or upon the request for an Extra Ordinary General Meeting
v.  To have access to all information of the society.
(b)   Obligations:
The obligations of all members shall be:
i.    To pay membership fees on time
ii.  To further the objectives of the UNAM Student Social Work Society.
iii. To attend the activities of the UNAM Student Social Work Society.
iv. To observe the principles, ethics and rules of the UNAM Student Social Work Society.
6.3.Termination of membership:
The Society’s Executive Committee may decide on the termination of membership, subject to ratification by the Annual General Meeting. If the Annual General Meeting does not ratify such a decision, membership shall be duly reinstated. Membership may be terminated for the following:
(a) Non-payment of subscription fees.
(b) If a member is found guilty of a grave misconduct violating the society’s objectives and ethics. (prescribed in the constitution)
(c) If a member resigns in writing he/she should hand the written letter/notice to the Executive Committee a month in advance before the Annual General Meeting or Extra Ordinary General Meeting. Upon which the notice shall be heard in the Annual General Meeting or Extra Ordinary General Meeting for ratification.
(d) A member has the right to appeal in writing against the termination of membership, and present the appeal before the Executive Committee prior to the Annual General Meeting. Upon which the appeal shall be heard in the Annual General Meeting or Extra Ordinary General Meeting for ratification.
6.2. Membership Fees:         
a)      The Annual General Meeting shall determine the subscription payable.
b)      Fees will be based on a sliding scale to accommodate the different categories of membership.
c)      Members shall be notified of the amount so determined.
d)     Membership fees shall be paid at the Annual General Meeting or within thirty (30) days thereof. 
e)      Members who wish to pay in advance fees beyond the period of one year may do so. 
Article 7: Office Bearers:
7.1.Executive Committee:
All office bearers should be elected at an Annual General Meeting.  Elected office bearer shall form the Executive Committee of the UNAM Student Social Work Society, which shall consist of:
(a) President
(b) Vice-President
(c) Treasurer/Finance Officer
(d) Vice-Treasurer/Finance Officer
(e) Secretary
(f) Vice-Secretary
(g) Public Relations Officer
(h) Vice-Public Relations Officer
(i)  Four Additional Members
(j)  Patron (Guardian lecturer)
7.2.Quorum and Decision Making:
·         A quorum of Executive Committee meetings shall consist of fifty percent. 
·         A quorum of General Meetings, Annual General Meeting or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting shall consist of fifty percent. 
7.3.Duties and Functions of Office Bearers:
a) President:
The duties of the president shall be to:
i.            Provide leadership and direction to the Society.
ii.            Call meetings in consultation with the rest of the Executive Committee.
iii.            Sign all public statements to the media.
iv.            Ensure the implementation of decisions.
v.            Liaise with other institutions and interested parties.
vi.            Preside at all meetings.
vii.            Be the head of the UNAM Student Social Work Society executive committee.
viii.            Have powers to call for emergency meetings.
ix.            Represent the society in all forums both national and international (such as the Student Parliament) and uphold a positive image of the society.
x.            Shall present an annual report to the Annual General Meeting.
xi.            Shall be co-signatory to the society bank account (should the society open one).
b) The Vice-President:
i.            Shall deputize/assist the President carry out the above duties.
ii.            May perform any other duties assigned by the President.
c) The Treasurer/Finance Officer:
The duties of the Treasurer/Finance Officer shall be to:
i.            Keep accurate records of all financial transactions.
ii.            Maintain an inventory of all properties belonging to the society.
iii.            Issue receipts for money received.
iv.            Obtain invoices and receipts for money spent.
v.            Cash receipts and maintaining petty cash.
vi.            Present financial reports and audits at the Annual General Meetings or Extra Ordinary General.
d)     Vice Treasurer/Finance Officer:
i.            Shall deputizes/assist the Treasurer/Finance Officer carry out the above duties.
ii.            Carry out any other duties as determined by the Treasurer/Finance Officer.
e)      The secretary:
The duties of the secretary shall be to:
i.            Ensure that the agenda is drawn up, meetings called and minutes distributed.
ii.            Ensure that all correspondence are answered.
iii.            Arrange and prepare suitable venues for all meetings and discussion.
iv.            Keep the archives of the society in good condition and up to date.
v.            Ensure that all legal documentation of society are carefully kept.
vi.            Organize workshops for the society in collaboration with the Executive Committee.
vii.            Organize training and educational programs for the society.
viii.            Keep record of events coordinated.
ix.            Keep attendance lists for all meetings.
x.            Submit the names of new Society Executives to the UNAM Student Parliament.
xi.            Carry out other duties assigned by the President.
f)       Vice-Secretary:
i.            Shall deputizes/assist the Secretary carry out the above duties.
ii.            Carry out any other duties as determined by the Secretary.
g)      The Public Relations Officer:
The duties of the Public Relations officer shall be:
i.            Liaise with students and other organizations.
ii.            Draw members to the society.
iii.            Manage the flow of information between the society and the public (never to make a mistake of assuming that people know).
iv.            Promote the society to the local community and beyond using all available methods of communications.
h)     Vice-Public Relations officer:
i.            Shall deputizes/assist the Public Relations officer carry out the above duties.
ii.            Carry out any other duties as determined by the Public Relations Officer.
i)        Four Additional Members:
The duties of the four additional members shall be:
i.            Shall deputizes/assist the Executive Committee carry out the above duties.
ii.            Carry out any other duties as determined by the President and other members of the Executive Committee.
j)       The Patron (Guardian Lecturer):
The duties of the Patron shall be:
i.            Guide and support the society.
ii.            Be a member of the Executive Committee (shall not nominate or vote in elections).
iii.            Promote the image and activities of UNAM Student Social Work Society.
7.4. Termination of Executive Committee Membership:
Executive Committee membership can be terminated:
i.            Only the general body of Social Work Student Society can terminate membership.
ii.            This can be done at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting.
iii.            Membership is terminated when:
(a) The member resigns.
(b) Non Performance of duties.
(c) Misconduct.
(d) Loss of membership to the society.
Article 8: Meetings:
Meetings of the Society shall include:
8.1.Annual General meetings (AGM):
The annual general meeting shall be a meeting of all members of the UNAM Student Social Work Society, held at least once within the first two months of each year. The president’s annual report and the Treasurer’s financial report will be received and discussed at the AGM. The election of new office bearers at the end of their term or bye- elections will also take place at the AGM.
8.2.General meetings:
General meetings shall be called when the need arises such as when there are important issues to decide.
8.3.Extra-ordinary meetings:
An extra-ordinary meeting may be held under the following circumstances:
·         When called by the Executive Committee.
·         When called by a written demand by at least a third of total membership stating the reason for the demand.
Article 9: Finances of the Social Work Student Society:
The UNAM Student Social Work Society is responsible for its own funding and budgetary taking into account the Office of the Dean of Students and Student Representative Council guidelines and regulations. The Executive Committee shall annually submit budgets and financial statements for Annual General Meeting approval.
9.1.Sources of Funding:
The funding sources are:
a.       The University of Namibia of the Dean of Students.
b.      Annual membership fees.
c.       Donations.
d.      Sponsorship.
e.       Proceeds from fund-raising activities.
f.       Any other legal means.
9.2. Management of Finances
The income procured shall be utilized in promoting the objectives of the society.
(a) The Executive Committee shall ensure that proper accounting procedures and maintenance of records as required per audit and prudent financial management.
(b) All such books shall be under the supervision of the Treasurer/Finance Officer and shall be available for inspection by the Executive Committee at all times.
Article 10: Amendments to the Constitution
(a) Amendments and additions to this constitution shall only be effected at the Annual General Meeting or Extra-ordinary General Meeting by means of a seconded motion in written form, sent to the Executive Committee for circulation at least one month before the date of the Annual General Meeting/Extra-Ordinary General Meeting.
(b) Such a motion requires the approval of a two third majority of registered members present at the Annual General Meeting/Extra-Ordinary General Meeting. The present registered members should exceed 50% of all registered members for the approval to be ensured.
(c) Voting shall take place by secret ballot or by showing/raising of hands.


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